It’s tough to get beyond PSA’s concept wall. The new Jakls, shotguns and the massive .50 BMG rifle are all grabbing your attention and pining for stories. They deserve them, but if you can fight your way past the wall, you can see that PSA’s two sub-companies, DPMS and H&R, are doing more than a few interesting things.
The H&R T48 FAL
Several decades ago, the United States military tested the FAL. They called it the T48 and subjected it to a number of tests against the M14. It appears that the FAL had a 24-karat run of bad luck. You see, the game was rigged from the start. The M14 received preferential treatment, and the United States adopted one of the worst service rifles of the era and rejected the right arm of the free world.

Luckily, you don’t have to reject the FAL, and H&R is producing a T48 clone. This FAL clone will come with factory-correct markings for the T48, as well as the slick and sweet wood furniture from yesteryear. H&R teamed up with DSA to make sure things are done right. DSA are the FAL guys and make some wonderful products.
I’m digging the H&R lineup a lot and love that they are getting into guns I’d never be able to own elsewhere.
The DPMS Kitty Kat
A long time ago, when people took DPMS as a serious company and Freedom Group hadn’t absolutely destroyed the company’s reputation, they created a gun known as the Kitty Kat. The Kitty Kat was the first time a major company produced an obnoxiously short AR with a 7-inch barrel. The gun was intended for entry teams, but I’m not sure if it was ever used as such.

PSA now owns the DPMS brand, and they’ve created the Kitty Kat V2. This time, the ultra-short barrel fires a caliber more appropriate for the short barrel length, the .300 Blackout. It’s keeping the same old-school layout with a HAR-15 brace, a carry handle and a short tubular handguard. It’s sweet and has been wanting to dress in all-black nylon and clear my house when the wife and kids leave.
An Appeal: Hey, if you folks have anything specific you’d like to see covered, let us know below.
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