Youngkin Vetoes First of Many Gun Control Bills Across His Desk

by Tommy Grant

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Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) has vetoed the first of a series of proposed gun control bills to land on his desk from the Democrat-led Senate and House. Among the legislation vetoed were two bills aimed at restricting gun rights on people accused of domestic abuse and one masked as firearm safety, but really a move to push anti-gun propaganda through the state’s public school system.

One bill, which sought to enforce stricter regulations on individuals accused or convicted of domestic abuse possessing firearms, was vetoed by Youngkin, not because Youngkin doesn’t agree that domestic abuse victims need to be protected, but in the arbitrary ways the law sought to restrict firearm’s possession by age and on those who were not even subject to a court order, according to the Virginia Mercury. Youngkin emphasized that while it is crucial to address domestic abusers appropriately, the proposed legislation failed to meet its intended goals and needed to be worked on more.

“Make no mistake, Virginia should ensure that domestic abusers are dealt with appropriately, and those who resort to illegal firearm use, especially, should face severe and harsh punishments,” Youngkin said in his veto. “The legislation fails to achieve its intended purpose and is unnecessary.”

Another piece of legislation targeted by Youngkin’s vetoes sought to require school boards to notify parentsabout gun risks and advocate safe storage laws. It is an echo of a similar recommendation by the Biden Administration earlier this year. The governor, recognizing there are a host of real-life threats the state’s families and young people face, many that the Democrats did not feel the need to be pushed, should be more equitable in what it covers.

The Governor proposed amendments to the bill that would expand the notification to include a broader range of parental “rights” and “responsibilities,” encompassing topics beyond firearms, such as protecting children from sexually explicit material as well as the extreme risks of drug use. These amendments necessitate the bill’s reapproval in 2025 before becoming effective, as reported by WJLA ABC 7.

Youngkin will need to decide on additional anti-gun bills that have been approved by the Senate and House, chief among them an assault weapons ban, restrictions on who can provide training for concealed carry permits and restrictions on carrying a firearm in any establishment that serves alcohol among others.

Youngkin’s actions are indicative of his stance on gun control legislation and suggest potential future vetoes on similar bills. The General Assembly, having concluded its session without addressing the governor’s amendments and vetoes, is set to revisit these issues in a reconvened session on April 17. However, any overrides of Youngkin’s vetoes appear unlikely due to the Democratic majority being too small to achieve the two-thirds vote necessary to counteract the governor’s opposition.

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